How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

This article was published on: 11/14/22 8:02 AM

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is the self-doubt and incompetence that continue despite working knowledge, hard work, and achievement when a person discovers unverified feelings. Anyone in any profession, from graduate students to anyone else, can experience imposter syndrome.

When others perceive you and compliment your talents yet you lack confidence in your sector. However, you didn’t think you had earned it on your own, and you were afraid to show other people the same things because you didn’t think you had earned them. You put in more effort so that others may recognize your brainstorming or failure, sometimes you have worthy roles to do but you didn’t believe in yourself, and you easily get in guilty by tricky people.

Sometimes, these types of thoughts or feelings can force you into the cycle of anxiety, depression, and guilt.

You will try to do work perfectly in fear and if you can’t achieve success on that work you will feel guilty or worthless.

What are the Causes of Imposter Syndrome?

Generally, the cause of imposter syndrome has a root in your childhood times and family background. You might develop imposter feelings in your childhood time when your parents:

  • Pressurized you to perform well in school (especially in studies).
  • Compared you with other children or sometimes it can be your siblings.
  • Were overprotective or over-controlling you.
  • Criticized you for your little mistakes.
  • Unsupported on your natural intelligence.

Some causes also occur because of your family’s characterization. It begins when your family is characterized by low support and high conflict.

What are the Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome?

  • You will start self-doubting yourself and characterizes your past, current, and future experiences.
  • When you achieve something in your field, instead of feeling happy and proud. You may believe that your success is due to luck or a coincidence.
  • You feel so down that you give the power or validation in authority to your close ones such as your boss, family members, and friends to choose your path in life and your success.
  • If you achieve success or something good in your life firstly you will be discovered as a fraud, despite objective successes.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome?

  1. Track and measure your successes: 

When you begin to doubt your abilities and victories, realize that they were the result of magic rather than your diligence, experience, expertise, or preparation for the job. You have to start telling yourself that you are succeeding and maintain a record of your achievements in a diary or other private document. After monitoring your performance measurements, keep a record of your professional triumphs and other encouraging developments that can boost your self-assurance. Just read through your journal or document whenever you feel low on confidence.

  1. Never step back to get new opportunities:

Never step back when you get a new opportunity, you have to see the difference between what are people saying and what is in your mind to you. If you are suffering from imposter syndrome then it is easy for people to realize that you’re not worthy or you can’t do it. They can easily change your mind from positive to negative. It is all up to you and you have the right to choose the new opportunities it can be an adventure for you to take on challenging new work and doing good can help you to open a lot of doors of success for you and your career. That can help you to grow confidence.

  1. Manage stress and anxiety:

Sometimes your fear may take contribution to your stress and anxiety. You can use some lifestyle strategies so you can live without fear.

  • Do not skip meals make the aim for a balanced diet that help you to get all necessary nutrients.
  • To add some excitement to your life, schedule some downtime from your regular schedule. Try hiking a mountain, relaxing in the tub, or taking a long drive.
  • Try to crack some jokes, try for casual talks on anything and try to hold your support networks close.
  1. Get help from a professional:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unable to get a handle on things, don’t panic. Consider hiring a professional therapist to help you overcome your fear of success. They point out the advantages of cognitive behavioral therapy for you. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) will teach you how to distinguish between different definitions of success and how to deal with fear in different ways.

  1. Be kind to yourself:

In simple words don’t underestimate yourself means changing the way you talk to yourself in your mind just positively talk to yourself after that you will start noticing that you become less stressed and anxious, and it also helps you to build the courage to do things that will help you to achieve something great.