This article was published on: 10/11/21 6:17 AM
Playing for too long, results in gamer’s thumb. A proper term for this is De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis, which is also popularly known as De Quervain’s disease or De Quervain’s Syndrome. It is a painful inflammation of tendons in the and lower thumb. This condition takes place when the swollen tendons rub against the narrow tunnel, it causes pain at the rock bottom of the thumb and into the lower arm. Often, doctors may not be able to give out the reason behind why this condition occurs but it is likely to result from gaming, a direct blow to the thumb, overuse, repetitive workplace tasks, inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis and hobbies like gardening or racket sports.
The most common symptoms of de Quervain’s would be swelling and pain at the base of your thumb, swelling and pain on the side of your wrist and pain going down at the back of your thumb, over the two tendons. This condition can either happen gradually or just start suddenly. In either of the case, the pain may reach to your thumb or up your forearm. You may have difficulty in moving your thumb, especially while you try to pinch or grasp things. The pain is likely to get worse if you move your thumb or wrist.
You may start with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen to ease out the swelling. If these medications fail to work, your doctor may inject steroids into the sheath that surrounds the tendon. You will also receive therapy which will help you to build strength in your wrist, hand and arm. If these treatment fail to work, your doctor is likely to recommend surgery. The operation will release the tendon sheath and so your tendon will be able to move smoothly without pain.
Recovery from surgery can take a while. The pain and swelling is expected to go away soon but the area could remain tender for several months. You can start physical therapy again for 6 to 8 weeks. By doing stretches, your tendons will move properly and exercises will help you in strengthening your muscles and will keep your joints steady.