This article was published on: 11/16/17 6:39 AM
We all love to play basket ball or some other sport like tennis or badminton on a huge green carpet of green lawn! But imagine you are stuck at some point may be In a car or while changing your clothes and suddenly realize that your shoulder has stopped moving or unfunctional and may create an emergency! There is nothing to worry, this condition is known as Frozen Shoulder.
Frozen Shoulder is the condition in which there are limits for your range of motion. When the tissues around your shoulder joint become tighter and thicker, scar tissue develops within eventually. As a result your ball-socket doesn’t have enough room to rotate properly. Reaching for an object on the high shelf becomes difficult or even wearing your clothes becomes difficult you should not wait and rush to the expert.
There are basically various factors that can be the cause for Frozen Shoulder, like extremely weakened immune system, hormonal imbalance in the body, inflammation and heavy diabetes. A longer period of inactivity due to an illness or injury makes us get more exposed to inflammation which are bands of the Stiff tissue. In extremely severe cases, scar tissue may form. This condition extremely limits the range of motion. This takes two to nine months to develop.
Frozen Shoulder is more likely seen in the middle aged people and mostly seen in Women. People with diabetes is most likely to face this condition and are at higher risk. If you have diabetes, properly managing it can reduce your risk for a frozen shoulder. People suffering from thyroid have to be careful. There are several physical examinations and tests which will help to access your range of motion. Your doctor might even ask you to do a MRI i.e. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan to find out the tear or injury in your Rotator Cuff. In many cases you may need to do arthogram for the X-Ray which involves injecting dye in your shoulder area so that the doctor will be able to see the aesthetic structure.
It is better to diagnose the injury, if not treated on time the pain and stiffness around the joint can remain for upto 3-4 Years. There are various ways to cure the condition. Combination of Physical Therapy, Oral Medications, Operation or Surgeries and also home care can cure your frozen shoulder enabling you to do day to day normal activities with ease. This can also speed up your recovery rate.
Physical Training will help by stretching your shoulder joint and regaining the lost motion. It may need 3 months to 9 months duration to see actual recovery. Oral Medications like aspirin, naproxen sodium or ibrufen may be suggested by your orthopedic surgeon. Many experts suggest steroid injection in your joint to fasten your recovery. Placing an ice pack on the injured surface will help reduce pain. Physiotherapy exercises suggested by your physiotherapist should be performed regularly. Most people with frozen shoulder can improve their condition without surgery.
Most of the people recover within two years without any treatment. Physical therapy and pain medications speed up this progress. You should be consistent in performing your exercises with the doctors suggestion. Early treatment helps keep the condition from getting worse.