This article was published on: 10/11/21 6:18 AM
The rotater cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that helps in stabilizing your shoulder. They also help in the movement. Every time your shoulder is able to move, it is because your rotater cuff is stabilizing and helping in the movement of your joint. The rotater cuff is also known to be the most common area for injuries. The most common injuries that are likely to occur are strains, tendinitis and bursitis. These injuries can range from mild to severe.
In some cases, a person might not experience any pain at all through rotater cuff injuries. There can be a possibility wherein your rotator cuff could be damaged for a while before the symptoms start to appear. Most common symptoms of rotater cuff injuries include trouble reaching behind the back, avoiding certain activities as they cause pain and discomfort, difficulty achieving full range of shoulder motion, difficulty sleeping on the affected shoulder, pain or tenderness when reaching overhead and progressive weakness of the shoulder. You must see your doctor if you have been experiencing any of these symptoms since a week or longer.
The rotater cuff injuries can be acute and usually occurs from a particular incident. For example, they can be caused by lifting heavy objects, falling or having the shoulder forced into an awkward position. This type of rotater cuff injuries are most likely to be found in young people. People who are most likely to be at risk for such injuries include athletes, particularly who play tennis, baseball and wrestlers, people with jobs that require them to repeatedly lift heavy objects, such as painters and carpenters and people who are above 40 years of age.
Athletes and people who have jobs that require them to lift heavy objects on a regular basis should take frequent rest breaks. It will help in reducing the load on the shoulders. There are exercises which help in strengthening the shoulder and it especially should be done by people who are in sports and have jobs that push them into this condition. You can ask your doctor to recommend strengthening exercises that can help you in improving the function of your rotator cuff.